Optical Network
Over recent years, Internet access speeds have increased greatly to keep pace with the demand of new services and bandwidth-hungry applications, such as streaming video. New technologies have been adopted that can support the current need for bandwidth, but they have not always taken into account the longer-term growth expected for access networks.

PON(GPON、EPON)System Module Introduction :


Over recent years, Internet access speeds have increased greatly to keep pace with the demand of new services and bandwidth-hungry applications, such as streaming video. New technologies have been adopted that can support the current need for bandwidth, but they have not always taken into account the longer-term growth expected for access networks.


Market projections of Internet speed demands indicate strongly that they will rapidly approach 100 Mbps, and then eventually reach 1 Gbps for individual users. Only fiber cables have the capacity to support these higher speeds over the long distances that exist in access networks. For service providers to deliver the bandwidth that users demand, Fiber to the Home (FTTH) networks will have to be deployed more extensively until they are mainstream. The solution for FTTH is a passive optical network (PON), PON is a point-to-multipoint FTTP network architecture in which unpowered optical splitters are used to enable a single optical fiber to serve up to 128 customers. A PON reduces the fiber and central office equipment required compared with point-to-point architecture.


Myson CS6716 and CS6721, which support IEEE802.3ah and ITU-T G.984, are a performance and cost competitive solution for EPON and GPON. Reference PON (GPON, EPON) designs are available for customers and we also provide services on production software support and module design customization.


EPON System:


GPON System:


More information
Customer Service:(06) 2988158|E-mail:bigcity_21@yahoo.com.tw|ADD:8 F.-6, No. 248, Sec. 2, Yonghua Rd., Anping Dist., Tainan City 708008, Taiwan (R.O.C.)|Copyright © 2012 MYSON CENTURY,INC. All rights reserved. | Design By Jddt